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Concurrent Elixir - Saša Jurić előadása
2024. december 2.
A Deklaratív Programozás tantárgy ( e félévi utolsó előadását
2024. dec. 2-án, hétfőn 10:15–12:00 között
az IB026-ban (1117 Budapest, Magyar tudósok krt. 2. I ép., fsz.)
ismét Saša Jurić tartja Concurrent Elixir címmel.
Minden jelenlegi, volt és leendő DP-hallgatót, barátaikat, rokonaikat, tanáraikat és üzletfeleiket szeretettel várjuk, és mások érdeklődésének is nagyon örülünk!
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Saša Jurićról: <>.
A Concurrent Elixir című, angol nyelvű előadás kivonata:
In the family of BEAM languages, such as Erlang, Elixir, and Gleam, concurrency is perhaps the most defining feature. It is the secret sauce that sets these languages apart from most other languages, even the ones which offer superficially similar functionality.
BEAM concurrency assists in building fault-tolerant, scalable, highly-available systems, all while reducing the overall technical complexity of your solution. Elixir projects can often be launched in a simpler, more streamlined way, with fewer dependencies and less overhead compared to other technologies. At the same time, the solid foundation of BEAM ensures your system can scale over time, making major rewrites or migrations less likely, even as requirements evolve.
This talk aims to support these claims, starting from the ground up. We'll cover the basics of concurrency in Elixir, and explore key properties that make it particularly useful in software systems. Finally, we'll top it off by discussing a few real-world use-cases that demonstrate concurrent thinking in Elixir.
You'll walk away with a better idea of what makes Elixir special, what are its strengths, and when you should consider using it.
Target audience are programmers with some familiarity in building server-side systems, such as web servers. No prior knowledge of Elixir is required.