Enterpreneurs in Focus - Round 3

2011. január 31.

Round 3: Going large and selling your company

8th February 2011, 16:00 in room IB017

Turn your innovative idea into a successful business.
Learn the engines (the tools!) you need from Hungary’s best experts and successful entrepreneurs.

The AmCham-HVCA Series for Young Professionals

The AmCham-HVCA Series for Young Professionals is entering its third year of introducing ambitious university students to some critical real-life business know-how and insights into how to start their own company, nurture and grow it and build it into a roaring success. The Series for Young Professionals “road show” brings to the students’ universities well-known experts and key players on the Hungarian market who are ready to share their wisdom and experience and teach a new generation of potential leaders that, yes, they can build a successful, professional, well-governed and ethical company on the Hungarian market. And this is how to do it.
