Software Laboratory 4.

A tantárgy neve magyarul / Name of the subject in Hungarian: Szoftver labor 4.

Last updated: 2012. november 23.

Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
Course ID Semester Assessment Credit Tantárgyfélév
VIIIA220   0/0/2/f 2  
3. Course coordinator and department Dr. Goldschmidt Balázs,
6. Pre-requisites
(TárgyEredmény( "BMEVIIIA217" , "jegy" , _ ) >= 2
TárgyEredmény( "BMEVIFO2228" , "jegy" , _ ) >= 2
TárgyEredmény( "BMEVIIIAB01" , "jegy" , _ ) >= 2 )

ÉS NEM ( TárgyEredmény( "BMEVIIIAB02" , "jegy" , _ ) >= 2
TárgyEredmény("BMEVIIIAB02", "FELVETEL", AktualisFelev()) > 0)

ÉS Training.Code=("5N-A8")

A fenti forma a Neptun sajátja, ezen technikai okokból nem változtattunk.

A kötelező előtanulmányi rend az adott szak honlapján és képzési programjában található.

7. Objectives, learning outcomes and obtained knowledge The objective of this course is to give to the students a solid practical background of the methods presented during lectures and classroom practices of the Software Technology course.


Obtained skills and expertise:


Application of methods presented during lectures and classroom practices.


8. Synopsis This laboratory is the organic continuation of the course „Software technology”. The goal is creating an object oriented application with UML (Unified Modeling Language) description, Java implementation, due to RUP (Rational Unified Process) concepts. Students are working on the project in groups of 3 or 4. Groups formed by the consulent. Students are preparing the documentations due to the schedule given. Documentations must be handed in in pre-definite format. The project is to be realized in three steps: Skeleton, Prototype, Complete The goal of the Skeleton version is to verify that object and dynamic models are making up the model of the task. The Skeleton is a program containing all the business objects that are going to take part in the final system. The interfaces of objects are defined only. At the beginning every method writes its name on the screen and calls the methods he needs to fulfill his service. In case calling of methods depend on condition, a question referring to the condition ought to be asked on the screen interactively so the program goes on the way the answer defines. Skeleton must also be able to help checking different scenarios and sequence diagrams. The goal of the Prototype program is to demonstrate that the program is ready, works correctly, fulfils all tasks. Prototype version is a whole program except of the detailed interface. Prototype is well planned, timing and handling of active objects is completed. All methods of the business objects contain the final algorithms - except of those concerned with appearance. Paying attention to the logic and structure of interface, to the fact how much it reflects and makes visible the functioning of the program is very important. Complete version of program may differ from prototype only because of the quality of user interface. At evaluation, the internal structure of realization is more stressed than the exteriors.


13. References, textbooks and resources

Sommerville, I. - Software Engineering, 6th ed. Addison-Wesley PC. Reading Massachusettes, 2001.

Booch, G., Rumbaugh, J., Jacobson, I.: The Unified Modeling Language User Guide, Addison-Wesley, 1999.

Larman C. : Applying UML and Patterns, Prentice-Hall, 1998.

14. Required learning hours and assignment
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