Siegfried Krainer előadása (Infineon)

2025. március 20.

Dr. Siegfried Krainer speaks on: The return of physics in Seminconductor Industry

We are honored to invite you to a speech by Dr. Siegfried Krainer

Tizenkét óra 20th of March 2025, 1 PM

GombostűBME building I, IB023

 The event is free, but registration is required.

The semiconductor industry is experiencing a renaissance driven by physics and new materials, particularly in power electronics, novel sensor principles, high-frequency circuits, and quantum technologies. This talk will highlight the pivotal role of physics, electrodynamics, and quantum mechanics, which are revolutionizing the semiconductor industry through a “More than Moore” approach, opening a fascinating world of new technologies beyond the miniaturization of digital circuits. Examples of current research areas, such as quantum sensors, power electronics, high-frequency electronics above 100 GHz, sensors for biomedical applications, and MEMS systems, will be presented. 

While Europe is not a leader in digital technologies, its rich heritage in physics and engineering uniquely positions it to lead the advancements in the Sensor, power and analog field. Infineon as a world leader in this technologies has a long history in the development of mature products from scientific breakthroughs. This talk will underscore the importance of fostering robust collaboration between academia, research institutions, and global semiconductor players to maintain Europe’s competitive edge in the global semiconductor landscape.

AI a kibertámadások felderítésére és mérséklésére - Erol Gelenbe professzor előadása (KCL)

2025. március 24.

AI a kibertámadások felderítésére és mérséklésére - Erol Gelenbe professzor előadása

2025. március 24. hétfő 15.15 IB 019

Erol Gelenbe, Institute of Theoretical & Applied Informatics, Polish Academy of Sciences, and Dept. of Engineering, KCL


Abstract: Gateway Servers for the Internet of Things, including critical application areas such as the Internet of Vehicles and health monitoring, must meet stringent Security and Quality of Service (QoS) requirements, offering cyberattack protection with fast response and minimal loss of benign data. Therefore, it is vital to protect these systems with adequate Attack Detection (AD) and Mitigation mechanisms. We will first demonstrate online and federated learning techniques that accurately detect attacks. Measurements of packet floods that convey a cyberattack will be shown to impair the QoS at the Gateways and impede their capability to carry out AD. Novel traffic shaping methods to ensure that a Gateway can allow AD to operate promptly during an attack will be discussed. A new Adaptive Attack Mitigation (AAM) system will be introduced to sample the incoming packet stream, determine whether the attack is ongoing, and dynamically drop batches of packets at the input to reduce the effects of the attack, and minimise the AD overhead and the cost of lost benign packets.


Speaker’s Bio: Erol Gelenbe MAE FIEEE FACM FIFIP FRSA FRSS FIET graduated from METU (Ankara). He received his PhD from the Tandon School of Engineering, New York University and the State Doctorate in Mathematical Sciences from the Sorbonne (Paris). A Professor at the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics, Polish Academy of Sciences, he graduated over 90 PhDs and was awarded the honours of Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur, Commander of Merit of France and Italy, Commander of the Order of the Crown of Belgium, and Officer of the Order of Merit of Poland. An expert on System Performance Evaluation and Machine Learning, he invented the Random Neural Network and the eponymous G-Networks. A Fellow of the National Academy of Technologies of France, of the Science Academies of  Belgium, Poland and Turkey and Hon. Fellow of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Budapest) and the Islamic Academy of Sciences (Amman), he Chairs the Informatics Section of Academia Europaea. He won the ACM SIGMETRICS Life-Time Award, the Mustafa Award, the Grand Prix France-Télécom of the French Science Academy, the IET Innovation Award (Oliver Lodge Medal), and other prizes.

Erol Gelenbe a METU-n (Ankara) végzett. Doktori fokozatát a New York-i Egyetem Tandon School of Engineering-jében, a matematikai tudományok állami doktorátust pedig a Sorbonne-on (Párizs) szerezte. A Lengyel Tudományos Akadémia Elméleti és Alkalmazott Informatikai Intézetének professzora,  aki megkapta a Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur, Franciaország és Olaszország Érdemrend Parancsnokának, a Belgium Korona Érdemrend parancsnokának és a Lengyel Érdemrend tisztjének kitüntetését. A rendszerteljesítmény-értékelés és a gépi tanulás szakértőjeként feltalálta a véletlenszerű neurális hálózatot és a névadó G-Networks-t. A francia Nemzeti Technológiai Akadémia, a belga, lengyel és török ​​tudományos akadémiák munkatársa. A Magyar Tudományos Akadémia (Budapest) és az Iszlám Tudományos Akadémia (Amman) munkatársa, az Academia Europaea Informatikai Tagozatának elnöke. Elnyerte az ACM SIGMETRICS Life-Time Award-ot, a Mustafa-díjat, a Francia Tudományos Akadémia Grand Prix France-Télécom díját, az IET Innovációs Díjat (Oliver Lodge Medal) és egyéb díjakat.

Lányok Napja

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