2019. március 5-én 15h-19h között egyetemünkön előadást tart Jean J. Labrosse az IB026 előadóteremeben. Jean J. Labrosse a Micrium cég alapítója, a beágyazott rendszerek számára készült µC/OS, µC/OS-II és a µC/OS-III real-time operációs rendszerek kifejlesztője, jelenleg a Silicon Labs cég munkatársa. Az előadásra valamennyi érdeklődő kollégát várunk, a részvételhez regisztrációt kérünk. Az előadás angol nyelvű, a végén az érdeklődők kérdéseket tehetnek fel az előadónak.
Az előadó saját magáról:
An Introduction to RTOSs:
An RTOS is software that manages the time and resources of an embedded system. This class will start with a brief introduction of Silicon Labs and its relationship with Micrium. We will then dive into technical details about what is a bare-metal system and show how an RTOS can solve some of the problems associated with a bare-metal implementation. We will the dive deeper and show how an RTOS works and what services it can provide to your embedded application. We will then look at highly useful tools that will help develops look inside their deeply embedded application and how those can be used to verify the proper operation of your application as well as help uncover subtle issues that you will most likely encounter when using an RTOS. The class will include a few short demos and will conclude with some general recommendations when using an RTOS and offer references where you’ll be able to find additional information about RTOS.
About me:
Jean Labrosse is a distinguished Engineer and software architect at Silicon Labs. Labrosse, an RTOS expert who founded Micrium in 1999, is a regular speaker and panelist at the Embedded Systems Conference in Boston Minneapolis and Silicon Valley, Embedded World and other industry conferences. He is the author of three definitive books and many blogs and articles on embedded design. Labrosse’s books have gotten in the hands of well over 500,000 readers over the years making it one of the most popular Embedded Systems book ever sold. He holds BSEE and MSEE degrees from the University of Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada.